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Image by Max Harlynking

Discover Your Breakthrough:
Inner Child Retreat in Sedona
April 12-16, 2025

What You Need to Know...

Trauma is not the incident, it’s our response to the incident. How do you know if you have a traumatized inner child that is trapped in fear and running our adult life?
Here are some signs and symptoms:


  • Low self-esteem

  • Difficulty setting boundaries (even with ourselves)

  • Fear of abandonment

  • People pleasing

  • Anxiety

  • Conflict aversion

  • Emotional unavailability

  • And so much more...

Image by Tyrel Johnson

What Attendees are Saying...

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“The inner child workshop surprised me because I really wasn’t sure that I would connect with little John who had been hiding for a long time. When he revealed himself, I was both surprised and emotional. Allyson walked us through a guided meditation and it was so easy to see and talk to that little boy who was just waiting for me to notice him. I’ve returned a few times to these retreats because, as Allyson reminds us, it’s not a finish line but a journey. It’s a journey I’m grateful for and I highly recommend this experience to anyone who is feeling like something is missing in their life.” - John C. 

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“The inner child workshop took me by surprise because I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to get anything from it even though I wanted to connect with that part of myself. Not only was I able to communicate with a really young version of myself but also a very hurt teenager who needed closure. This experience both enlightened and encouraged me. Now I have steps and tools to use in everyday life to help me get through triggering situations. It’s so much better than not knowing what to do and staying confused and feeling lost. I recommend this workshop to anyone who needs better coping skills and who wants to just be happier in their life.”

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“Thank you, Allyson, from the bottom of my heart for this experience. I showed up doubting that I could connect with my inner little boy and not only did I connect, but together we healed something that I have been carrying around my entire life. I didn’t even know it was still affecting me, but this workshop helped me see that he was hurting and needed my help. I don’t know how this works, all I know is that it worked for me. I highly encourage others who want to clean up emotional stuff within to attend. I entered the door scared and a little skeptical and I left with a hopeful heart and some amazing tools to keep going.” - Donald B.

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Image by Emily Lewis
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While this retreat is not a cure-all for your childhood issues, it is a supportive place to land whether you’re just beginning your journey of healing or have already started your path to more peace through inner child work. What we will explore during our time together:​

What to Expect...

Healing your inner child is about revisiting your values and morals because trauma erodes those over time. When we sit with those precious things that help us feel safe, loved and supported, we begin to understand the needs we have that aren’t being met. This is crucial in our healing process because when our needs aren’t being met, we are continuing to live in our pain which only creates a cycle of self-abuse. 


Participants are not forced to join in any activity that doesn’t feel comfortable for them, yet, are encouraged to be brave and face their trauma. We cannot heal unless we are willing to see the story that is broken and learn how to unbreak it.


  • Connecting with the inner child through meditation, art, and play. 

  • Understanding the needs of your inner child and starting the process of fulfilling them.

  • Identifying your values and understanding what you need to feel safe and supported. 

  • Reparenting yourself by establishing boundaries for yourself that protect your wellbeing. 

  • Learning self-soothing techniques 

  • Adopting healthy coping mechanisms when you find yourself in uncomfortable situations 

  • Expressing your emotions through safe sharing and body movement.

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"It's only when things are broken that the light can shine in." 

Image by Mike L

Save My Spot Now!

Select an item ($)

*Food and Accommodations Not Included

Have a beautiful day!

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Meet Your Retreat Host...

Allyson Roberts, a revered Neuroscience and Methodology Practitioner, specializes in the profound healing of childhood trauma through her unique and effective approach. With a burning passion for empowering individuals, Allyson is dedicated to guiding people towards personal freedom and discovering their inner strength. Her transformative retreats are a beacon of hope and healing, cherished by clients who return year after year, each time achieving deeper breakthroughs and experiencing the powerful healing they've come to trust and love.

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